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Thanks for visiting Family Crisis Center of Washtenaw!

Family Crisis Center of Washtenaw provides professional mental health assistance as well as resources to families, individuals, and couples focused on providing high-quality service and client satisfaction - we will do everything we can to meet your expectations.

With a variety of offerings to choose from, we look forward to working with you. Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us.

We hope to see you again! Check back often for new updates to our website. There's much more to come!

Join us in our 2023 campaign " Have An Ear To Hear And The Heart To Take Action"

See Events for the story


Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault (survivors)

Recovering Families of War Veterans

(Ready to deploy/Return Military Support)


Email Address*


FCC Designates 988 for National Suicide Prevention Hotline

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted rules to establish 988 as the new national suicide prevention and mental health crisis hotline. The rules require all phone service providers to direct 988 calls to the existing National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by July 16, 2022. During the transition to 988, individuals who need help should continue to contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Lifeline) by calling 1-800-273-8255 (1-800-273-TALK) or by chatting online. Service members and veterans can reach the Veterans Crisis Line by calling the Lifeline and pressing 1, chatting online, or texting 838255.


Washtenaw County Community Mental Health

WCCMH services are available to those individuals who meet criteria, have Medicaid and/or appear to have urgent/emergent needs which could result in harm if not addressed within 48 hours of the request. Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and the Medicaid Provider Manual set the three priority populations group definitions and priority categories for WCCMH.

​We offer:

​• 24/7 access to services

​• 24/7 access to information and referral regarding behavioral health and substance abuse services

​• 24/7 crisis line

​• 24/7 mobile crisis services

​• Eligibility determination and level of care assessments

​• Inpatient authorization for Medicaid and uninsured individuals

​• Suicide risk assessment

​• Petition for involuntary hospitalization and pick up order services

​• Crisis planning

​• Crisis stabilization and support

24/7 phone services and mobile crisis services are available to any

Washtenaw County Resident and can be accessed by calling 734-544-3050.

Learn more about our

Crisis Services here

Crisis Residential Services (CRS) is a six bed, 24/7 crisis home intended as a short term alternative to inpatient psychiatric services for individuals experiencing an acute psychiatric crisis. Individuals need to meet inpatient criteria but can be served in a setting that is less intensive than an inpatient hospital.

​CRS services include:

​• Therapeutic supports

​• Nursing services

​• Case management

​• Behavioral services

​• Medication management, stabilization and education


​Our CARES team is a new team of mental health professionals, peer support specialists, and case managers, nurses and psychiatry that was created using Millage dollars. The goal of the team is to provide short term stabilization services to individuals who are unable to access mental health care in the community.

​CARES provides mental health care to individuals who are unable to access community mental health services because of their insurance or their severity level. Services that are provided by this team include individual and group therapy, case management, peer support, psychiatry and nursing.

In order to access these services, call 734-544-3050


Washtenaw County Community Mental Health

Why Mental Health First Aid?

Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders. This training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care.

Cost: This training is free paid for by the Washtenaw County Safety & Mental Health Millage.

To Register: or leave a message at 734-544-6712 indicating you wish to register for the MHFA training. You will receive a call within 3 business days to collect the necessary information.






Virtual Meetings December 15, 2022

Link pwd=UzRXWjRFZ2gxdFFidnphcOZVaG14z09

Next Meeting January 2023


Event Archives

Women At Risk International


Our Mission

Women At Risk, International unites and educates to create circles of protection around those at risk through culturally sensitive, value-added intervention projects.

Northside Community & First Baptist Churches Concert for Cause Supporting local nonprofits

Sunday, November 5, 2017 5:00 pm

Northside Community Church 929 Barton Dr. Ann Arbor

Winter Journey - Benefiting Washtenaw Alive Suicide Prevention Coalition

Tenor Glen Perry

Pianist Kathryn Goodson

Songs from Schubert's Winterreise

NCC Handbell Choir

Director Sjeree Clark


Violinist Teagan Faran

Saxophonist Johnathan Hostottle

Pianist Kate Acone

Works by Chambers, Thatcher, Piazolla, Ravel

Free & open to the public On-site reception Donations to Washtenaw Alive accepted

November 9, 10 and 11, 2017

Thursday and Friday, starting at 7:00 AM to 5:00PM Saturday, 7:00-2:00 PM

Kevin's Song Conference “The Silent Epidemic: A Conference on Suicide”

The Inn at St John’s

44045 Five Mile Road

Plymouth, Michigan 48107

Youth Suicide Prevention:

Recognizing & Supporting Our Youth at Risk

Wednesday, November 15 | 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

Pioneer High School Auditorium | 601 W. Stadium Boulevard

Saturday, November 18, 2017 9 am-12pm

Survivors of Suicide Loss Day

U of M East Hall Room 1324

530 Church St. Ann Arbor, MI

Contact: Patricia Wheeler, 347-423-8874


FRIDAY, 9/29/17 OUT OF THE DARKNESS Community Walk

Easter Michigan University LAKE HOUSE


Register at 3pm- walk at 4pm

Register today at

September 26-28, 2017 in Gaylord (CONFERENCE)

Ellison Place 150 Dale Dr. Gaylord MI 49735

Kiersten’s Ride Suicide Prevention Conference

September 25th at 12:00 noon EDT (WEBINAR)

Join us on Monday, September 25th at 12 noon ET for a talk with

Eric Hipple, former Detroit Lions quarterback, suicide loss survivor, and mental health advocate.

The S Word

Sunday, September 10, 2017 3:00 - 6:00 PM

Ross School of Business, Robertson Auditorium

Friday, September 8th 2017-9am-3pm

VA Ann Arbor Mental Health Summit

2215 Fuller – Hospital auditorium B14

July 17-21 9am-12pm

3075 W. Clark Rd. Ste. 110, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (WACC Office)

Open to grades 6 through 9 will have fun and exploring the digital world, cyber safety/security tips, play games, creating and learning leadership skills

$10 fees cover T-shirt and snacks.You can register by emailing or fax at 734-434-4243

Contact Washtenaw Area Council for Children at 3075 W. Clark Rd. Ste. 110 Ypsilanti, Mi 48197

June 26-30 9am- 12pm

CSI (Cyber Safety Initiative) Camp

(WISD) 1819 S. Wagner Rd. Ann Arbor, MI

Open to grades 6 through 9 will have fun and exploring the digital world, cyber safety/security tips, play games, creating and learning leadership skills

$10 fees cover T-shirt and snacks.You can register by emailing or fax at 734-434-4243

Contact Washtenaw Area Council for Children at 3075 W. Clark Rd. Ste. 110 Ypsilanti, Mi 48197

June 17th, Saturday 1-4pm First Annual Grieve Well Kite Festival

Pioneer High School 601 W. Stadium Blvd. Ann Arbor MI

more info 734-975-0238

May 21, 2017 Friday

Manchester High Suicide Prevention Walk

Walk Location: Carr Park - Manchester

Check-in/Registration Time: 05/21/2017 at 2:30 pm

Walk Begins: 3:00 pm

Walk Ends: 5:00 pm

For more information, please contact:

Contact Name: Megan Linski

Contact Phone: 734-478-7293

Contact Email:

Online registration closes at noon the Friday before the walk. However, anyone who would like to participate can register in person at the walk from the time check-in begins until the walk starts. Walk donations are accepted until June 30th. Washtenaw Area

May 5, 2017, Friday 9am-12:30pm

Annual Conference 2017- Reaching the Inner Child, Understanding, Connecting, and Intervening with Children Who Have Experienced Trauma

Washtenaw Intermediate School District

1819 S. Wagner Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Presented by Washtenaw Area Council for Children, in partnership with U Of M Health System, and C.S. Mott Children's Hospital Dept. of Social Work

Thursday May 4, 2017 4-7pm

Children's Mental Health Awareness Day Walk and Rally

Claude Allison Park

18250 Beech Daly Rd.

Redford, MI 48240

More info: Youth United 313-344-9099 email:

May 3,2017 Wednesday 6-9pm

Rethinking Mental Health One Story At a Time

Wayne County Community College District

Heinz C. Prechter Educational and Performing Arts Center

21000 Northline Road

Taylor, MI 48180

A link to register for tickets to an upcoming screening of ‘Death is Not The Answer’ on May 3.  

Our agenda will include:

  • Discussion/feedback on forming a support group for parents caring for children with suicidality
  • Introduction of Alison Paine (Ms. Paine is a NAMI-WC member and she is interested in being the support group facilitator.
  • Partnership roll-call (Who wants to collaborate with us?)
  • Available funding streams…where are they?
  • Who has access to potential venues to host the group? (Several suggestions given so far)
  • Are there available mental health professional in our network who can serve as consultants for the support group leader?
  • What resources for parents are already in existence?
  • Other?

Saturday, April 29th at 7 pm

Special movie presentation sponsored by RU?OK: To Save A Life Movie

Little Theater in The Refuge Center

Located in the First Baptist Church

1110 W Cross St

Ypsilanti, MI 48197

April 25, 2017     9 am - 5 pm

Detroit, MI      5 CEUs


The Family Acceptance Project (FAP) is providing a free full-day training on April 25 in Detroit, MI for health, mental health, social service and school-based providers, families and religious leaders on FAP’s research-based family support approach for helping diverse families learn to support their LGBT children. A critical aspect of FAP's prevention and intervention approach is suicide prevention.

The training will include: learning about FAP’s foundational approaches to decrease family rejection and increase family support, including how to apply FAP’s key research findings and using FAP’s multicultural family education resources with diverse families; strategies for helping ethnically, racially and religiously diverse families to support their LGBT children; and helping providers and others to apply research-based FAP’s family support approach in diverse practice settings.

The training is free and offers 5 CEUs. For information on registering for the training contact: 

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